We’ve all done it, embarrassed ourselves by hitting on a girl we have no chance with. To be able to tell if she is attracted you read this simple guide – don’t be a fool!
Picture this, you are out on a great night in somewhere in London and a guy has come up to speak to you. How do you tell if he is attracted you? Read on and find out how you can tell, from his compliments, whether he actually likes you and wants to ask you on a date in London or whether he just wants to get you into bed.
First Glance
A vital sign, as to whether she finds you attractive or not, is when you first catch each other’s gaze from across the room. If she likes you, she’ll hold the eye contact for a little longer than normal, maybe a second or two. Then, she’ll look away. The telling sign, if she’s really interested, is if she looks back at you smiling.
Mirroring is when we slightly copy each other’s movements and body language. So, she goes for her glass and drinks the same time as you do, or maybe she’ll touch her face the same time as you, that’s a good indicator that she finds you attractive. This goes for both men and women and usually occurs when we want to get someone to like us.
Change in posture
If women see someone they find attractive looking at them they will change their posture, arching their back to appear more curvy and attractive to men. If you catch a girl who you are looking at or talking to do this, then she probably likes you.
She’ll play with her hair
Yes, it is true! When a women sees someone they are attracted to they will go through a series of self checks to ensure their hair, or her make-up, is ok. These checks will generally be pretty subtle so she may not, as the myth goes, actually play with her hair.
She’ll soften her features
Usually, when people do not know that they are being watched they will have quite hardened features. But if a woman finds you attractive, she will do her best to soften her features and become more smiley so that you will find her prettier.
If she likes you, she’ll make a signal to the other women to tell them to back off, ‘he’s mine!’She’ll do this by subtlety touching you whilst you are speaking – usual places are the arms or the shoulders. So if this happens, and it’s not an accident or to push you away, then it would be fair to assume she likes you. Another way to find out if she finds you attractive, is if she leans into your personal space.
A more proactive way to work out whether she is attracted to you is by touching her or moving into her personal space – if she is comfortable with you, and possibly attracted to you, she will not mind.If she pushes you away or appears uncomforable, back off!
The first glance
When you first cast eyes upon each other, if he is attracted to you he should hold eye contact for a little longer than normal – this would probably be no more than half a second. Then, he will break eye contact and look away. But if he’s interested in you, he’ll look back at you again.
He’s looking at you
Maybe he hasn’t caught your eye yet but if, say, you are at a bar and a guy looks over at you more than once he probably likes you. Same goes if you are listening to someone speak and he keeps looking over at you.
When a man finds someone attractive he can’t help smiling but then he’ll try to hide it a little. You should then see a half smile and, if you saw him smile fully first, this indicates he may be attracted to you.
The approach
If he’s attracted to you, he’ll want to come over. If you like him you should indicate that you want him to approach you by smiling, being warm, friendly, by being yourself and having fun. Playing hard to get is not a good idea – don’t start a potential relationship with game playing – you may set a precedent.
Singled out!
If he wants to get your full attention he’ll try and single you out. This could mean separating you a little from your friends, standing in front of you – blocking out your chances of catching someone else’s eye – or, if you are sitting, by putting his arm along the back of the chair.
Animal signals
We are animals, after all, so if he likes you one way to tell is if he acts like an alpha male. What he should do is try to make himself look bigger by putting back his shoulders and sticking out his chest. This is him showing that he’s strong and will be able to look after you.
Eye contact
If he’s listening to you, he should look you directly in the eyes. But if his eyes drift down your mouth and back again then he’s probably thinking about kissing you.
How to tell he wants to ask you out
If he wants to ask you out he’ll give you a lot of eye contact. If you like him, encourage him to ask you out him by smiling, making lots of eye contact and flirting with him.
It’s a well known fact that ‘pick up’ systems tell guys to compliment girls. The thing is, these compliments are usually false and designed to trick you into sleeping with them. You can usually see through these false compliments – if a guy you’ve only just met compliments you on your appearance or something about you that he doesn’t know much about, he’s probably trying to ‘pick’ you up.
But if a guy comments on something specific, other than your looks, it’s because he finds you interesting i.e. he may compliment you on your career, on something you’ve accomplished or he may compliment you on a common interest. This type of compliment shows he wants to get to know you and likes you for more than your looks. If you want to know if a guy is genuinely attracted to you, and not just trying to pick you up for sex, see what he choose to compliments you on.
And if she’s not attracted to you…
On that note, yeah, it’s a sad fact that not every woman will find you attractive. Here’s how to tell if she’s not attracted to you.
She won’t laugh at your jokes
Laughter is a form of flirting – if she’s not laughing when you crack jokes, regardless of how great or lame they are, she’s not interested.
Telling signs
If she stays about a foot away from you while you speak you have no chance – same goes if you move into her space and she looks uncomfortable. Also, If she won’t hold eye contact for more than a second then it is safe to assume that she does not find you attractive
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