People from outside the UK move to London because of the excitement, career opportunities and the chance to enjoy a broad range of entertainment options. But is it more difficult to meet potential dates in London when you are rushing around in a big city?
Cities like London attract busy people who are focused on their careers. This results in a culture built around speed. Fast moving transport, fast food – fast everything! The only time anyone has a minute to themselves is when theyre waiting for something.
People think big city equals more people, which equals more opportunity, which can equal more competition for dates. But its not about numbers its about mentality. People in big cities tend to be more reserved to new people than those from smaller cities or villages. In a village you are more or less forced to be friendly to everyone because there are so few people around – if you dont make friends with your neighbours then who will be your friend?
Studies show that we will automatically reject close to a 3rd of the possible choices in front of us by default. This applies to anything; friends, dating – even job candidates. It has been proven the best strategy to do is to reject the first 37% of candidates regardless of how nice or good they are, so you just reject the best part of a 3rd of the people you meet and then choose the next candidate that is better than all the candidates that youve seen before.
So in a small village of 10 people you would only have to reject 3 or 4 potential dates before settling for a partner but in a big city like London you would have to reject 100s or perhaps upto a 1000 potential suiters. So what we have is the paradox of choice. The task of having to choose is often experienced as suffering, not pleasure. The explosion of choice has made it more difficult for people to identify what they want and how to get it.
The sheer volume of young singles in London will give you the sense that you could meet someone at any time. Most of the time, though, you dont – unless you take the right steps – like joining!
You may also find because there are so many online dating sites in London it means everyone is looking out for someone better. Londoners are not just competing for dates either – they are fighting each other for a shrinking pool of jobs, too. Financial stress has brought a shift in priorities for singles in London. The city is sheltering many broke singles.
Thats the beauty of dating or making friends online in London is that not only can you access new people outside of their busy working environment –you can meet dozens of new friends quickly and cost effectively. So instead of spending years finding your life partner you can achieve that goal in months – if you put the effort in of course!
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